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Messages : 1
Inscription : 19 avr. 2023 20:41

Hi All

Message par JonnieBlaze » 19 avr. 2023 20:53

Hi Everyone,

I'm JonnieBlaze. I work in the IT field here in the United States. I played paintball many years ago, but after many years of not playing paintball I found airsoft and loved it. I have tried many roles from basic rifleman to support gunner to the small smg guns like Scorpion EVO. I haven't had a chance to try the sniper role yet, but would like to learn about it, as I naturally tend to focus more on the environment, terrain, and concealment than I do getting into firefights or seeing how many opponents I can hit.

I found Sniperland and wanted to join it because I am familiar with some of your current members. I felt Sniperland would be the best way to see those members' posts and interact with them, learning from the people who's usernames I recognize.

Being new to sniping, and not having tried it yet, I don't think there is anything I can contribute. But as I learn I will be sure to share.

Thank you all for your time and this community.


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membre du bureau
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Inscription : 17 juin 2008 22:07
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Re: Hi All

Message par Alumyx » 12 mai 2023 15:29

Hi Jonnie, bienvenue sur Sniperland. It's not so common to have a new member from the US. What rifle do you plan to buy (if you do not have already one) ? Which Sniperland members do you know ?

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one shot one out !
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Inscription : 05 déc. 2014 1:02
Localisation : Plaine de walsch

Re: Hi All

Message par Infeliz » 12 mai 2023 17:19

good evening, welcome to this forum, I don’t speak English but I use Google translation :lol: , I think we’ll be able to understand each other haha, good evening :wink:
.o. /o. /o\ <o\ <o> \o/ HEYYY MACARENA !!
