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Messages : 1
Inscription : 27 mars 2021 21:33

Hi all

Message par Gazzabazza1000 » 28 mars 2021 16:26

Hi all, I am joining your forum from the U.K.
I am looking forward to sharing knowledge with you all!

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Inscription : 17 nov. 2014 17:54

Re: Hi all

Message par Panchoa » 28 mars 2021 18:30

Hi, welcome to Sniperland!

It's great to have someone from UK coming here, the forum is mainly french but we hope you'll find anything you need despite the language.
Can you tell us a bit more about you? For how long you've been playing? What are your guns? What you like beside airsoft? :D

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Re: Hi all

Message par Alumyx » 29 mars 2021 2:55

Luckily enough for you, the old foxes of the forum are able to speak English... at least a bit. No offence, but I'm curious... Why are you coming here ? It's great for us to welcome newcomers from UK, but there is a lot of English speakers forum, so why Sniperland which is mostly (99.9 % ^^) French ?
